Monday, September 30, 2019

Understand Health and Safety Essay

A description of four different examples of accidents and/or sudden illnesses that might occur 1) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may choke on their food. This is usually caused by an object getting stuck in the back of your throat, this needs to be dealt with fast as it can result in the person stopping breathing if it is blocking their airways. 2) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may be epileptic and while you are out they could have an epileptic seizure. Epilepsy is a medical condition which causes a disturbance to the brain, this results in the individual becoming unconscious and having involuntary convulses of the body. People that have epilepsy have no control on when it is going to happen and sometimes can cause themselves harm when falling during the seizure. 3) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may have a cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest occurs when an individual’s heart stops, this can happen for different reasons, this is mainly due to a heart attack but can also be because of shock, an electric shock, a convulsion or other illnesses or injuries 4) The individual that you are supporting on an outing may fall over and have severe bleeding. Severe bleeding is usually the result of a fall or injury, being the most common cause being glass. Aii An outline of the Procedure to follow if an accident or sudden illness should occur Choking and difficulty with breathing 1) You need to make sure the individual has nothing in their mouth and remove any dentures, use one finger with a glove on to sweep through the mouth and remove anything that is in there. 2) Encourage the individual to cough as  this might help move the object at the back of the throat. 3) Give the individual 5 back blows, bend the individual slightly forward and with the heal of your hand give the back blows in the middle of the shoulder blades. 4) If the object is still stuck then you should use the Heimlich manoeuvre also known as abdominal thrusts. To do this you need to stand behind the individual and put your arms around them, joining your hands just below the breastbone with one hand as a fist and the other covering it. 5) You need to pull your hands into the person’s body and upwards at the same time, with the force it should push the object out of the throat. 6) You should alternate between the back slaps and the thrusts until the object is removed. Epileptic seizure When an individual has an epileptic seizure you need to make sure that the area around them is as safe as possible and loosen all clothing. Once the seizure has stopped you need to check the individuals airways are clear and then put them into the recovery position. Try to make sure the individual is safe and comfortable and especially try to prevent head injury. You need to follow the protocol of the medication that can be given to help with a seizure such as at the support I work an individual has epilepsy and our protocol is if he is still in seizure after 10 minutes then we administer 0.5ml of madazolam buccal and then leave him for another 10 minutes and if he is still in seizure we need to give him the other 0.5ml if this doesn’t work then we are to phone an ambulance. Cardiac Arrest If an individual goes into cardiac arrest you need to call for medical help straight away. You need to give the individual mouth to mouth resuscitation, and chest compressions to stimulate the heart known as CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) The supporting staff should have had attended a first aid course which will have taught them how to resuscitate. CPR is hard work and the compressions need to be in the correct place. Firstly you should check if the individual has a pulse and whether they are breathing, if not call for medical help and then start CPR which is two mouth to mouth breaths and then 30 chest compressions and you should carry this on until medical help arrives. Severe Bleeding If an individual has a severe bleed then you will need to apply pressure to the wound, if it is possible use a sterile dressing but if this isn’t available use any material that is absorbent. You will need to apply pressure to the wound for about 10 minutes to allow the blood to clot. If there is an object in the wound do not try to remove it but apply pressure to the sides of the wound. If it is possible lie the individual down and raise the affected part of the body. When dealing with individuals with severe bleeding you need to protect yourself. Your skin acts as an excellent barrier to infections, but if you have any broken skin then you must be careful, if the blood of another individual comes into contact with your eyes, nose or mouth then you must seek medical advice. Blood-borne viruses such as HIV or hepatitis can only be passed on if the blood of someone who is already infected comes into contact with broken skin. If available you should wear gloves, if not available cover broken area with a waterproof plaster. If possible wash your hand before and after coming into contact with blood Aiii A list of the principles to be followed for safer moving and handling 1) When making a decision on the best way to move an individual they must discuss this with the individual it concerns. 2) The individual should be encouraged to do as much as possible for themselves and only use minimum manual handling 3) Where able to you should use the aids to support individuals to move themselves 4) The employer has a statutory duty to provide lifting and handling equipment, but it is the responsibility of the staff to use it 5) You have the right to be safe but individuals also have the right to be moved with dignity and as safely as possible. Aiv An explanation of why it is important to follow the care plan and communicate with each individual when assisting and moving It is important to follow the care when assisting and moving an individual as these plans have been put in place to ensure the safety of the individual and yourself while you are  assisting them. You can have an input in the decision on how this should be carried out but it is the professional that makes the decision. It is important that you communicate with the individual while assisting and moving as this will help them to feel more relaxed and you should explain each stage of the move to them so that they are prepared for it. It will also help to stop the individual from becoming anxious as they don’t know what is happening. Av An outline of staff responsibilities for medication in a social care setting Staff responsibilities for medication in a social care setting are that they need to check that they are giving the medication to the correct individual so check that on the box or bottle of the medication the name matches the individual you are administering the medication to. Check that the medication sheet also has the correct person’s name on it. Check that you have the correct amount of the medication that it says to administer on the mar sheet. You should also get another member of staff to check the amounts you have got out to make sure they are correct to prevent a medication error. While administering the medication you should wear personal protective equipment such as gloves. Before giving the medication you should explain to the individual what the medication is for and what it is they are taking. You should then check the area around the individual to make sure they have swallowed them all and none have been dropped. If medication has been missed or medication has been given when it shouldn’t have been then you should let your manager know and phone NHS direct to seek professional advice. You should also then phone on call and let them know what has happened and what the health professional has advised. Avi A brief description of the agreed procedures for obtaining, storing, administering and recording the medication needed for the outing. a) Obtaining When obtaining the medication you should make sure that you are getting the correct medication for the individual that you are taking out on  an outing, you need to with gloves remove the tablets from the box and put them into a medication box that you can take out with you. If you need to take liquid medication with you then you should take the bottle with you and a meds tub to allow you to measure out the correct amount that the individual will need. If you do not know them amounts then you should write this down and take it with you. If the individual takes their medication with something such as yoghurt (this must be stated in their support plans) then you should either take this with you or ensure that you go somewhere where you will be able to buy some to use for giving the medication. b) Storing When going out you should store the medication safely, such as the tablets should be in a meds tub that fastens and is secure to make sure that the medication isn’t lost. c) Administering When administering the medication on an outing you should check that all the medication is still there and again check that it is correct. You should give the medication still respecting the individuals dignity to try and do it somewhere quiet and away from a busy place. If the medication is liquid form then you should put the meds tub on a flat surface to ensure that you pour out the correct amount. d) Recording When you get back home you should fill in the mar sheet to make sure the next time someone comes to give the individual medication they know that it has been administered, as if you forget to sign that it has been given another member of staff may think that they haven’t had it and seek advice on what to do, they may be then told o administer it as soon as possible and then this could result in an overdose all of this would be a medication error. Avii An explanation of why the social care workers accompanying the individuals on the outing should have specialist training before each of the following: a) Carrying out emergency first aid Staff that support an individual on an outing should have training for emergency first age first as without this they do not have the knowledge of what to do in an emergency correctly, such as what to do if an individual chokes or has severe bleeding. If they have had first aid training then the will be aware of what to do in the different situations that may occur while on an outing. By having this training it is  more likely that the individual will be given the correct support that is needed in the situation. b) Assisting with moving and handling Staff that support an individual on an outing should have training in assisting with moving and handling as this will result in the safety of both the staff and the individual that they are supporting as they will have a better knowledge of how they sho uld support the individual safely. If they do not have the training then they may do something wrong when assisting the individual and this could result in harming either themselves or the individual that they are supporting and by not doing it correctly they may not do it in a dignified way and this could upset the individual that they are supporting. c) Handling medication Staff supporting an individual on an outing should have training on handling medication to ensure that the medication is given to the correct person with the correct amount and in the way that the individual prefers. It will also mean that the individual is supported with medication in the best possible way and that there are no medication errors. Task B – Guide Bi A list of the laws relating to: a) General health and safety in the setting Manual Handling Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH) Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Personal Protective Equipment 1992 b) Moving and handling Health and Safety at work Act 1974 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Bii A list of the food standards that relate to social care settings Food Standards Act 1999 Food Safety Act 1990 Food Hygiene Regulations 2005 Biii An outline of the main health and safety responsibilities of: a) the social care worker The responsibilities of the social care worker are to keep themselves and the individuals that they are supporting safe. Social care workers should make sure that they follow all procedure that are in place when supporting individuals and when doing anything that has risks of harm. Staff should make sure that they use any equipment safely and only use it if they have had the specialist training on how to use the equipment. Staff when using equipment should make sure hair is out of the way to prevent it from becoming stuck in the equipment, You should communicate with you manager and make sure that you have adequate training and understand and follow the company’s policies and procedures around health and safety. You should report any illness, strains or injuries that you suffer as a result of doing your job as your employer may need to make changes to the way you work. If you become pregnant then you should inform your manager as it may mean that you are unable to do some of the things within your job role or may need to move somewhere where the chance of harm coming to you is slimmer. b) the employer or manager The responsibilities of the employer or manager are to make the workplace safe, they need to prevent risks to health, ensure that the equipment that is used is safe and that safe working practices are set up and followed by the staff, they need to ensure that all materials are handled, stored and used safely. Employers should inform you of any potential hazards from the work you carry out, chemicals and any other substances used by the employer. They should check that the right equipment is supplied for the work and that staff use it correctly and that the equipment is regularly maintained. They need to avoid potentially  dangerous work involving manual handling and if it cannot be avoided then they should take precautions to reduce the risk of injury. Employers need to supply staff with protective clothing free of charge. c) individuals using the service The responsibilities of individuals using the service are to make sure that they agree and follow their tenancy agreement. They should speak with staff to make it aware of the way that they would like to be supported when using assistive technology to reduce the risk of harm coming to themselves or the supporting staff. They should report any faults within their home so that it can be resolved before any injury or harm is caused to themselves or the supporting staff. If they do not have understanding of what faults are then supporting staff should make these known to the individual and support them to make the calls needed to get these fixed. Biv A description of the main points of health and safety policies and procedures To ensure the health, safety and welfare of everyone To protect people from hazards that might occur To control the keeping and use of dangerous substances Bv A list of work activities that should only be carried out after special training Manual Handling First Aid Clinical tasks such as taking temperature or blood pressure, changing dressings Giving Medication Bvi A description of how to access additional support and information in relation to health and safety Health and Safety is very important so it is always better to ask for more information than to guess and get things wrong. You might need extra information relating to legislation and guidelines, actions to take to ensure safety, concerns you have about a situation or person,  unhappy about the risks from a piece of equipment or another hazard or unclear about who has responsibility. If you need additional advice or support you should talk to your line manager, if your manager is unavailable and you are unable to find the information you need in your employers policies then the health and safety executive ( should provide all the information you need. Trade Unions may also have the information that you need. Task C – Case Studies Ci Define the term ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ The term hazard means something that could cause harm, danger or adverse health effects to an individual and the term risk means the likelihood or probability of a hazard causing harm to the individual. Such as a spill on the floor is a hazard and slipping on the wet surface is the risk. Cii Identify the hazards and risks in the case study above The hazard is a burs pipe in the roof and water running down the light fitting and onto the bathroom floor. The risks are that the individual that Winston is visiting may slip on the water and harm himself or he may get an electric shock as water is running into electricity or due to the water in the roof it may cause the ceiling to fall in. Ciii Explain how and when you would report the risks you have identified Firstly Winston should make sure his client is in a safe place and then turn off the water and electric at the mains. He would need to then report this straight away to his line manager and then get in touch with either the landlord or a plumber and an electrician and inform them of the burst pipe so that they can make arrangements for it to be fixed as soon as possible. Civ Describe how a risk assessment might help reassure Ellie’s mum and ensure Ellie’s safety By having a risk assessment in place for Ellie making her own way on the bus to the group the social worker will of identified all of the possible hazards and the level of risks connected with these. The social care worker will have come up with ways of avoiding these hazards which will ensure Ellis safety and Ellie’s mum will feel reassured Cv Describe how a social care worker should use the risk assessment to ensure Ellie is safe during the journey To make sure Ellie is safe during the journey the social care workers should follow the risk assessment as it will state all the risks to Ellie during her journey and will include what needs to be done to reduce the likelihood of the risks. It is the responsibility of the social care worker to make sure that they are aware of the risk assessment and if there is anything that they do not understand then they should seek additional advice from their line manager straight away. It is also the responsibility of the social care worker to report any changes that need making to the risk assessments as soon as possible to their line manager. The risk assessment must be up to date and revised as often as necessary for the safety of Ellie and the people that are working with her. Task D – Short Answer Questions Di List three hazardous substances that can be found in an adult social care setting 1. Cleaning Chemicals 2. Medication 3. Clinical Waste Dii Use the table below to describe safe practice for the handling of each hazardous substance Medication Body Waste Cleaning Fluids Storage The medication should be stored in a locked cabinet out of reach, only the authorised person should have the key for the locked cabinet, the cabinet should be at the correct temperature the medication needs to be stored at. The medication must stay in the packaging the pharmacy dispensed it in Body waste should be stored in a yellow bag sealed and put into the designated place ready for collection somewhere that will not cause infection risks. Cleaning fluids should be kept in a safe place preferably in a locked cupboard and in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. All cleaning fluids should be stored in the correct bottles with the correct labels on them. Use The staff giving medication must have appropriate training in the administering of medication. When handling body waste you should always be wearing protective clothing such as gloves and aprons, you should also make sure you wash your hands after handling body waste. When using cleaning fluids you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective clothing such as gloves and aprons. Disposal The correct method of disposal is to return any unused medication back to the pharmacy and not put in the bin. Body waste will be picked up from designated area by specialist waste contractors. You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when disposing cleaning fluids Diii Identify three common hazards related to handling and storing food 1. Poor hygiene so there is a risk of infection 2. Not reheating food to the correct temperature 3. Storing uncooked meat on the top shelf in the fridge Div Explain how to: a) Store food safely You need to ensure when storing food that you store it at the correct temperature, cover and label the food so that others know when it has been opened and when it will no longer be edible. You need to make sure that uncooked and cooked foods are kept separately to avoid contamination. b) Handle food safely When handling food you should keep yourself clean, you should wear protective clothing, keep the workplace you are working in clean and tidy, you should use separate utensils and other equipment for different types of food such as chopping boards with different colours for cooked meat and vegetables etc, You should wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. c) Dispose of food safely When disposing food you should make sure leftover food is disposed quickly, ensure that the bins are emptied frequently and that and anything that is dropped or spilt is cleaned up quickly. Dv Identify three common signs or indicators of stress 1. Feeling tense, uptight or angry 2. disturbance of sleep pattern 3. headaches/migraines Dvi Give two examples of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed 1. One example of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed is work pressure, such as if someone has been set some targets to meet within a given time and they are struggling to meet these targets they may become tired and anxious and this may result in them becoming stressed due to a build up of work and feeling that it is on top of  them. 2. Another One example of circumstances or situations that may cause a person to feel stressed is being in debt as this may make them feel that they are unale to cope and, they may be worrying all the time where they are going to get the money from to pay the debt and this may result in a decrease in their self esteem and self worth and make them question their ability to support a family. They may also be worrying that they may be kicked out and have nowhere to live with their family if they dont find the money to pay. Dvii Identify and describe two ways of managing stress 1. One way in which an individual can manage stress is by physical activity, as this uses up the extra energy the body produces when they are stressed, this could be things such as walking, jogging, going to the gym, boxing etc. 2. Another way in which an individual can manage stress is by taking your mind off of the issue for a while by doing something else, by doing this it allowes you to come back to the problem with a clear head later on. This could be doing things such as gardening, going to the cinema, pampering etc. Task E – Leaflet Infection Control Ei A list of the routes by which infection can enter the body Infection can enter the body down the respiratory tract into the lungs. Illnesses such as coughs, colds, influenza and other common airborne infections are usually passed on this way. Infection can enter the body through breaks in the skin. You skin works as an excellent barrier against infection but if you have an open cut then infection can enter the body through the cut. Infection can enter the body down the digestive tract. If you have a drink or eat any food that is contaminated then this can infect your stomach or bowels. This kind of infection usually results in vomiting  or diarrhoea Infection can enter the body through the urinary and reproductive system. This kind of infection can remain localised or sometimes can then get into the blood. Most commonly sexually transmitted diseases infect the genitals. HIV and the AIDS virus is carried in bodily fluids and can be passed on through coming into contact with an infected persons saliva, seminal fluid or blood. Eii A description of how our own health or personal hygiene may place others at risk in the workplace Our own health or personal hygiene may put others at risk in the workplace as it is very important that you wash your hands regularly as if you have come into contact with infections and bacteria and then touch other things then you are leaving them all over and then when others touch things such as the banister on the stairs then they are also picking this bacteria up which could cause infection. You should always wear personal protective clothing when supporting an individual with any form of personal care where you come into contact with bodily fluids such as saliva or urine, this is not just to protect you but to protect the individual you are supporting from any infection that you may have picked up. You take care not to sneeze or cough on others as this could pass on infections to others, You should constantly using antibacterial spray to wipe down all surfaces to prevent cross con tamination. Eiii An explanation of the most effective ways to wash hands 1) Remove any rings or jewellery from the hands or wrists 2) Using warm running water thoroughly wet your hands 3) Squirt liquid soap onto the palm of one of your hands 4) Rub your hands together until you make a lathers 5) Scrub your hands with the palm of your hand over the back of the other hand and making sure you rub between the fingers, the wrists, forearms and under your nails. 6) Rinse off the soap with clean water 7) When turning off the taps use a paper towel to avoid getting bacteria back on your hands 8) When drying your hands use a single use towel or an air dryer 9) When leaving the bathroom try to prevent touching dirty surfaces as you are leaving the bathroom. Eiv A description of how and when to use personal protective equipment You should use personal protective equipment for any procedure that involved bodily contact or means that you will be coming into contact with anybody waste or fluids. This is because it will reduce the risk of infections spreading such as if you get it on your clothes and then come into contact with another person. At the end of each procedure you should take off the protective clothing such as aprons and gloves and dispose of them correctly. You should use new protective clothing when coming into contact with each different individual. Environmental Safety An outline of how to prevent and what to do in the event of: Ev Fire To prevent a fire you should fit smoke alarms and test then regularly and change the batteries annually, never leave the stove unattended when using it, keep portable heaters away from furniture, furnishings and flammable items and when leaving the house make sure you turn them off, Do not leave any electrical turned on when not in use and turn the main switches off when not using them and at night unplug all electrical items that are not being used, if possible do not use multi-way socket adapters and do not run electrical leads under the carpet. In the event of a fire you should call the fire service straight away when the fire alarm sounds. You should try to evacuate the building as fast as possible following the personal emergency evacuation plans for each of the individuals in the building and also following the fire safety procedure. If possible you  should try to get the individuals out of the building if it is safe for you to do so. Before entering any of the rooms with the back of your hand you should touch the door handle to see if it is hot, if it is then you should not open this door as it will let oxygen in and make the fire worse. You should always stay close to the floor if there is a lot of smoke as it raises so you are safer the closer to the floor you are as you won’t be inhaling as much smoke. If possible have a wet towel over your mouth to prevent the smoke getting into your lungs. Keep all doors closed as if you have fire doors then this can give you extra time to get out of the building. Evi Gas Leak To prevent a gas leak you should check that all appliances that use gas are turned off e.g. cooker, fire, radiators. In the event of a gas leak you should dial 999 for help and/or inform your health and safety officer/manager straight away, You should not turn any switches on or off, you should go to the assembly point and remove yourself and others from the building immediately, the incident should also be recorded. Evi Flood To prevent a flood you should make sure that everyone knows where and how to turn the water off and all taps should not be left running in the bath or sink. In the event of a flood you should turn off the water supply, call 999 or inform your health and safety officer immediately, do not turn switches on or off and remove yourself and others from the building as quickly as possible in case water and electric mix as this can be very dangerous. Evii Intrusion To prevent an intrusion you should being vigilant of security of building  i.e. doors, windows and make sure these are shut and locked when you are not home and at night. Do not give out spare keys to others or key codes and follow a procedure check list such as at night going round and making sre all windows and doors are shut and locked. In the event of an intrusion dial 999 and tell them what has happened, if possible go to a room with a lock and lock yourself in there, if not try to get out of the building and take others with you. Eviii Security Breach To prevent a security breach keep all confidential information locked away or passworded on the computer, keep all documents out of sight and never leave them laying about. Keep all doors and windows locked. In the event of a security breach try to leave the building safely with others, dial 999 and report to them.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluate High School Education in the US Essay

Despite the large number of students going to high school in the United States, there is not much of an assurance that they receive the necessary education that they should be getting. It is not the quantity of students attending high school that we should be concerned of, instead it should be the quality of education that these students get when they attend these schools. Right now, the current high school education being offered here in the United States is not enough to propel our nation’s youth to a successful future. Way back in the 1900s, only 10 percent of American adolescents falling between 14 to 17 years of age were enrolled in high schools, most of them from well-off families. When public secondary schools were introduced in the country, the number of students going to these schools increased dramatically. Comparing the 1900s and the year 2000, the percentage of teenagers who graduated from these high school institutions went up from only six percent to a whopping 88 percent (MSN Encarta, 2007). The main reason attributed to this increase was that more and more people especially those from the youth sector regarded education as a tool for success in an increasingly urban and industrialized city, thus greatly increasing the high school attendance rate. This could also be attributed to the strict labor laws which are enacted early in the 20th century, wherein fewer teenagers have to enter the workforce than that of the previous years. This gave them more time to focus on their education. With this at hand, we could then expect a better future, a better life after high school. But that wasn’t how it turned out to be. Despite the increasing number of high school students, still their performance are being questioned, whether or not they’re competitive in the real world. In an article by Angela Pascopella, it showed that it is necessary to have a shift in high school education in the country (Pascopella, 2005). This is based on a recent survey, wherein one education association stated that there is a need for â€Å"a shift in high school programs, challenging curriculum and continued focus on federal vocational education grant,† are the possible solutions to fix the high school education system of the country (Pascopella, 2005). According to the survey, two out of five high school graduates attested that there are certain gaps between what they learned in high school and the necessary skills, abilities and work habits that they need for actual work and for college education. The results showed that less than 25 percent of the respondents feel that they experienced a â€Å"challenge† in their high school education (Pascopella, 2005). These students take high school lightly, a walk in the park without actually learning the necessary skills and information that they need for the future that they will pursue. The need for a reform movement in high school education is high, since future complications resulting from these things are inevitable. The people in running this system deem the need to increase the academic rigor in high schools, and this can be achieved through proper planning and sorting, as to what is should be done for these students. The brilliant minds of the education system should collaborate in order to come up with an effective approach to fix this problem. High School education is definitely one of the best American inventions. It provided the proper supervision that the youth needs in his adolescence in order to prepare him for adulthood (MSN Encarta, 2007). This is a crucial stage which everyone should pay proper attention to, since the future of these youths means the future of our very own country. We need to give the best to fix this problem. Not only do we propel our youths towards success, we are also assured of a better world in the future.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Teaching Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teaching Plan - Essay Example On the other hand, bacterial infection is indicated by a purulent discharge (Gigliotti 354). Allergic conjunctivitis in late childhood and adolescence is considered a symptom of eczema, asthma or rhinitis. Treatment of conjunctivitis starts with identification of the root cause of the infection to ensure that effective medication is administered. In addition , treatment of infants depends on the time the child develops the infection. For instance, if the infection develops within the first 24 hours it is considered to have been caused by chemical reaction with the drugs that were used (Gigliotti 356). Teaching goal The long term goal is to develop awareness among parents to be bale to identify the symptoms early enough and seek medical attention to prevent the negative effects of conjunctivitis. The goal will be achieved by: Seeking medical attention To relieve symptoms and ensure treatment of the infection Ensure that the infant is not at risk of more serious infections Preventing s pread of the disease to other people Preventing the complications associated with conjunctivitis Home remedies Compress the eyelids with cool or warm water for 15 minutes Maintain body hygiene through washing hands and avoiding the sharing face cloths and towels Pharmacological interventions Ensure that drugs are administered effectively depending on the age of the child Advise the parents not to use steroid eye drops because they may cause permanent damage of the infant Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated through topical antibiotic ointment Viral conjunctivitis symptoms can be relieved through saline washes Allergic irritating symptoms can be relieved through saline washes and cool compresses If the symptoms are persistent and severe, oral antihistamines can be administered to the infant Population demography A study to compare the prevalence of conjunctivitis between Asian and White patients was carried out from pediatric records from a health center in the city of Bradford. The p atients chosen for the study had symptoms of chronic conjunctivitis to eliminate the possibility of inclusion of patients suffering from allergic irritations. The study considered medical records of 43 patients, 11 Whites and 24 Asians under the age of four years. The study indicated that conjunctivitis affected 59 of every 100, 000 Asians and 12 of every 100,000 Whites. Although the prevalence in sex in both groups was small, male children were two times more likely to be infected. Two Asian children lost their sight upon developing chronic conjunctivitis. According to Spraul and Lang (23), conjunctivitis is more prevalent in the Asian population as compared to the Whites probably because of environmental and genetic factors. The blindness threat indicates that Asians are more likely to require steroid topical treatment as compared to their white counterparts. Primary care setting Anticipated client outcomes 1. Parents should seek advice on the condition upon noticing conjunctiviti s symptoms on their infants 2. Upon the diagnosis, parents should be aware of the period of treatment and expected changes in the course of treatment 3. Caregivers should adhere to physician's advice on dosage and frequency to ensure medication effectiveness 4. Caregivers should maintain hygiene to avoid contamination of medication tubes and bottles 5. There should be no sharing of eye ointments and medications 6. Measures should be put

Friday, September 27, 2019

Classical Tradition Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Classical Tradition - Term Paper Example Thus, knowledge for Keats is not only that which one acquires through empirical experience but also what is received from earlier generations. The descent of the narrator into the netherworld speaks also of the poet’s desire to draw from poetic tradition. Keats uses descriptions of hell from earlier works of literature. Prominent among these would of course, be Dante Alighieri’s work, Divine Comedy, where the protagonist descends into hell in order to gain a better understanding of the cosmos. He is led there by his beloved, Beatrice. In the case of The Fall of Hyperion, a character like Moneta may be considered to be a substitute for Beatrice. The interest of the poet here, unlike in the case of Dante’s work, is not sexual love but the love for knowledge. The thirst to create something new draws Keats into the netherworld and he is rewarded not with spiritual bliss or salvation but with knowledge. Another myth that one may read in Keats’s work is that of the Orpheus legend. The legend revolved around Orpheus going to the netherworld to bring his wife, Eurydice back to life. The god of the dead lays down one condition for the success of Orpheus’s mission- he would lead his wife out of hell but would not be allowed to turn back to see whether she was following him. Orpheus, a musician and hence an artist, is unable to contain his curiosity and fails to meet the condition. In a way, one may argue that Orpheus’s inability to do so stemmed from his need to know. The narrator of Keats’s poem too faces a similar problem. The difference, however, is that his/her curiosity is a disinterested one, unlike that of Orpheus’s. He is interested in knowledge and its acquisition for its sake rather than for marital love. Keats’s search, through the narrator, remains of permanence rather than something that would remain, in the final analysis, ephemera l. It is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consumer Behavior [Motivation within marketing process] Essay

Consumer Behavior [Motivation within marketing process] - Essay Example This report is divided into three sections, including literature review, reflection, and discussion/analysis. In the first section (literature review), a total of four consumer behaviour theories such as marginal utility theory, consumer choice theory, perceived risk theory, and diffusion of innovations theory are discussed to gain a deep theoretical understanding of various factors that would influence a consumer’s degree of motivation and thereby purchasing behaviour. In the second section (reflection), one of my recent personal consumption activities will be described in order to analyse the motivational factors that led to the specific consumption process. Here, the way the organisation interacted with me to motivate me to consume the product is emphasised. In the third section (discussion/analysis), the major finding of the study is brought together for providing an analysis of my own consumer behaviour in the light of the issues raised in the literature review. Finally, the conclusion part summarises the key findings of the report. In order to critically evaluate the impact of consumer behaviour theories on motivation within the marketing process, it is vital to acquire a better understanding of the concepts of marketing and motivation. The process of marketing is directed at the identification, anticipation, and satisfaction of customer requirements with the ultimate objective of profit maximisation. According to Philip Kotler, â€Å"marketing is that social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating offerings and freely exchanging products and services of value with others† (as cited in Singla, 2011, p.101). The marketing concept is the philosophy that requires companies to focus on the needs of their customers so as to promote decision making and to meet customer satisfaction better than competitors. As Shimasaki (2009, pp. 98-99) describes from the time

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Testiong prior to marriage Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Testiong prior to marriage - Personal Statement Example By conducting the test, it allows the person to control and treat the disease medically before it infects the other person (Shmerling, 2012). Different states in America have their law and requirements that are mandatory for a couple to fulfill before marriage. Blood testing is considered essential in some states such as New York, Mississippi, Montana and District of Columbia. However, in Illinois, it is not mandatory to conduct medical testing prior to marriage. This law has not been effective in this state; although it has remained debatable that whether a couple should conduct a medical test prior to their marriage or not? The issue of medical tests prior to marriage has been solved in the light of Islamic fiqh. Different Islamic scholars have permitted the tests in the light and judgment of fiqh of Muwazannat after estimating the pros and cons of the tests (Al-Bar, 1991). However, it should be made mandatory by the law and the society to conduct the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Israeli Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) in Defence Research Proposal

Israeli Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) in Defence against Terrorism - Research Proposal Example As PMSCs provide specialized security that resembles the services of the military, the Israel government’s decision to outsource military functions to the private security company was condemned (Schooner & Swan, 2012). Many believed that such companies are often involved in grave violation of human rights and are not capable of combating lone terrorists who are becoming common in the present Israel state (Hammes, 2010). However, despite the presence of heavily armed police officers in places such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, attackers still manage to attack such places killing people in mosques, buses, and other congregational sites (Sommer, 2014). Most of these attackers are classified as Lone Wolves terrorists as they carry out extemporaneous attacks and have no noticeable group collaboration (Wallwork,  2005). Whereas Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, has accused the political class of complicity through incitement, the security system admits that good intelligence is not sufficient in predicting the soft targets of Lone Wolves terrorists and the utilization of private security services would reinforce the efforts of the military (Tait, 2015). This research proposal has the aim of exploring the effectiveness of the PMSCs in curbing terrorism in Israel. What’s more, this comprehensive project will study how efficient PMSCs are in combating lone terrorism by delving into the nature of the lone terrorism attacks in Israel that have been combated through use of PMSCs services. In answering the questions, the research will be able to explicate the effectiveness of PMSCs in combating terrorism in Israel. Moreover, it will help in bolstering the efficacy and proficiency of PMSCs services in the war against terrorism as well as defining better alternatives of combating terrorism. In a research conducted by III (2008), 185 people were interviewed on the use of contracted militias in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing and Branding Strategies Research Proposal

Marketing and Branding Strategies - Research Proposal Example Moreover, Nike controls around half of the sports foot wear and apparels market and the combined strength of Adidas and Reebok will make them able to attain almost the same market share as that of the Nike. Thus the merger will strengthen the competitive power of Adidas and Reebok. The combined company won't want to cut its own bottom line by launching a price war. Others, however, think consumers may see more products and aggressive marketing from smaller players in the industry as they work to protect their shares. (Petrecca, and Howard). The mergers are often welcomed by the consumers because of their anticipation of good quality products for cheaper prices. The inability to reduce prices may reflect as a weakness of merger among the public. Any time two competitors join forces, there is a tendency to stop competing - a concept that looks good on paper but can be deadly in-market (Howard). It is quite possible that the lack of competition and trust between the companies may force them to reduce their expenditure on advertisement like activities which will negatively impact the marketing activities of both the companies. Moreover, the reduced marketing campaign by these companies will open the doors widely for the competitors like Nike. The companies say they have already identified about $150 m... Hence these companies will get an opportunity to spent more moneys in other markets where previously these companies spent less for advertisements. Threats Often when former rivals join forces there is a tendency to try to change product lines so they don't go head-to-head. "The real danger may be in trying to reposition one brand or another to not compete. ... Both brands could be diluted in the process." (Petrecca, and Howard) The decreased competition between these companies will force them to reduce their activities which may result in spoiling of their popular products in the market. Benefit of the merging Uniting two of the world's top sports companies and creating a much stronger challenge to Nike, particularly on the global giant's home turf: the prime North American market that accounts for about half of the category's sales worldwide. (Petrecca and Howard) It is not possible for either Adidas or Reebok to challenge the supremacy of Nike in North American markets. But the merger made them capable of raising stiff challenges to Nike in these markets as well. Possible marketing strategies Retailers are in an advantageous position because of the opportunity to deal with products two famous brands. Adidas which dominates the soccer shoes market have contracts with David Beckham like soccer personalities whereas Reebok has contracts with global basketball stars like Yao Ming (Petrecca, and Howard). Thus they can utilize these sports personalities in a complementary manner conduct their marketing strategies effectively. In short, the merger between Reebok and Adidas made them capable to compete effectively with their main competitor Nike. Works Cited 1. Howard, Theresa. USA TODAY. 2005. "Adidas, Reebok lace up for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Formal Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Formal Report - Essay Example Even the health industry has transformed itself and treating diseases that were considered fatal in the past. Robotic surgeries have also made their space on the surgery schedule boards in hospitals around the world. A procedure that could once only be imagined for a sci-fi adventure has now become a reality. This extensive inclusion of technology that would have raised eyebrows in the past is being accepted and adopted by doctors around the world as a competitive advantage in hospitals. It was only a matter of time that the increasing trend of medical advancement and equipment technology would lead us to the point where we risk our lives in the hands of a robot. The robot, being controlled by a surgeon, performs the procedure on the patient. The surgeon might be located a few blocks away or across a couple of oceans. The revolutionary step in the field of health sciences has attracted many; however, it is still not free from risks and reservations. Just like any other invention in i ts initiation phase, robotic surgeries need to take few more steps to ensure minimal risks and dangers for the patients. 1. Introduction The robotic technology, that started with making small machines perform interesting stunts or house chores, have been given a more creditable status in the medical field since they are being used to save human lives. The initiation of the idea of letting robotic arms and other components come in contact with the patient, rather than the surgeon, initiated in 1980s. The innovative concept attracted the technologists in the industry and thus gave way to surgeons being miles away from the physical location of the operation and relying on technology to maintain connection from the surgeon to the robot that operates on the patient. The state of the art surgical procedure is being commonly known as, ‘Da Vinci Surgery’; this name has been given by the manufacturers of this innovative robot technology, Intuitive Surgical Inc. The company, Intu itive Surgical Inc (2013) explained that the name is kept after the inventive artist for his passion for human anatomy and automation in the 1450s. Leonardo Da Vinci is known to design the first robot of its kind in 1495 which was discovered hundreds of years later in 1950s. Leddy, Lendvay and Satava (2010) gave valuable information about the initiation of the idea of such a risky mode of treatment where the surgeon cannot control the consequences of any atypical scenario; robotic surgeries were initially aimed to perform remote surgeries in the battlefield to ensure immediate treatment to soldiers. The robotic equipment was mounted on the top of the vehicles and surgeons were expected to perform the surgery with the aid of the robotic arm while sitting in their own comfortable space. These authors defined it as the surgical procedure that separates the surgeon from the patient by adding a robotic device in the middle of them. With the passage of time, the concept made its way in th e civilian territory and started being used for commercial treatment. The passive role of medical equipment and technological devices has been transformed into a major one in an operating room. A diverse range of procedures are now being performed with robots being the direct contact with the patients, namely gynecological and urological procedures and many mores. 2. Research Quality and Patient Safety Division: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. (2013) stated that robotic surgeries have started becoming

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Airframe by Michael Crichton Essay Example for Free

Airframe by Michael Crichton Essay Michael Crichton’s 1996 literary work takes its audience into a flight adventure of suspense with a dash of humor. As the title suggests, Crichton’s audience might deduce a frame which could be found in the air. In more accurate terms, speculate about the structure of a plane. As the audience read’s it, this deduction is further strengthened with the illustration of a plane â€Å"accident† that results to an investigation on the quality on a Norton Aircraft-manufactured N-22, followed by media frenzy. For some, the event of an airplane accident which eventually results to tedious and cumbersome investigation is quite uninteresting and dull. However, readers of this book are still compelled to continuously read it because of the twists, thought-provoking exploration of a plane’s structure, high tension issues and jitters. Moreover, Michael Crichton’s style and themes informs and teaches several factual issues and concerns to its audience while entertaining them. By looking into the history and flight events, it can be said that Michael Crichton’s accounted problems in his book indeed portray real-life scenarios. Michael Crichton’s novel starts at the Transpacific Airlines flight 545, said to be a Hong Kong based transportation. In addition to this, it was also illustrated that the plane, as mentioned before, a Norton Aircraft-manufactured N-22, that is expected to arrive at Denver. However, severe turbulences occur at the California Coastline, resulting to an emergency landing at the Los Angeles airport. From the pilot’s report on the status inside the plane, there were already several injured passengers and two dead passengers. The dilemma rises from the fact, as the book states, that the plain’s history never showed or experienced poor safety record or performance. In addition to this, the pilot who was maneuvering the plane was highly trained, which takes the possibilities of human error out of the question. As such, the story tediously proceeds and revolves around the investigation regarding this â€Å"anomaly† on the plane’s condition or on the question of its safety records, and generally about how the whole incident happened. In this novel, the aircraft manufacturers in this novel responded in a way that imitates what â€Å"real† aircraft manufacturers would show or usually do after such accidents. There are cases where manufacturers are held liable or not liable to certain accidents by the jury. If the jury was impressed with the overall save rate, the manufacturer is not considered liable, resulting to the acknowledgment of the whole design utility being optimized for the majority to the detriment of a few. On the contrary, if the jury would inspect the high-speed aspects of risk in contrasts to the high-speed save rate, the manufacturer can be considered liable. As such, it is â€Å"factual† or logical that manufacturers would react in ways that Crichton describes it. On the other hand, the actions or events which follow the media hype on the airplane accident seem exaggerated, though again, convincingly true. Several scenes or illustrations regarding the media generally show that they tend to scrutinize whatever links they find regarding a certain topic which could boost their ratings. In addition to this, there is generally a persistence of the media crowd to grab whatever fact they could get a hold on to, and sometimes create stories to build or form the bits of information that they have into a persuasive story, which can either be true or partly-true. In his accounts of both the airplane problems, media and manufacturer investigations there are convincing facts which are laid to the audience by the author. In addition this are critical observations which shows Crichton’s style and manufactured tensions that keeps his readers stuck on the book, without boring their selves (just like what I felt). Crichton is like giving an ice cream, with a sprinkle of reality and fiction, mounted on a cone, coated with information and served in a plate garnished with humor that definitely keeps its audience from wanting more. References Crichton, Michael. (1996). Airframe. Alfred Knopf Publishers.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect of Leadership styles and Change Management

Effect of Leadership styles and Change Management Leadership experts agree that The most important factor which is being faced by leaders now and in the future are sensitivity to radical change and the experts also agree with the fact that radial change is the most important key. The result is a model of radical change describing the leadership styles best suited to the successful implementation of each stage in the change process. Using the Leadership Style Inventory (LSI), leaders can determine which stages of radical change they are equipped to handle. The key component of a successful leader is the proactive and responsiveness to radical change .Some experts in this field describes the qualities that should be there is a leader are that he should be flexible to change , now leaders should be open to novel alternatives and they should be willing to take greater risks. Now days leaders are more information seeker then information distributors as compared to before. Leader Style Focuses on Persuades by Makes changes Learned by Commanding Results Directing Rapidly Doing Logical Innovation Explaining Carefully Studying Inspirational Opportunities Creating Trust Radically Questioning Supportive Facilitate work Involvement Slowly Listening Now this above table is knows as Leader style inventory (LSI) which basically tells us about the main styles of different types of leaders which is their main focus , how to tend to approach their work , how they are able to make changes and how do they learn to do it. There are four main types of leader styles. The commanding style focuses on performance and has a short-term goal orientation. Commanders are highly productive and results oriented. They can be very effective when goal achievement is the primary focus. They learn better by their own successes and failures than by input from others. Other one is the logical style they tend to cover all the alternatives and they have long-term goals they tend to take decisions very carefully and they learn to do things by studying all the aspects. Third one is the inspirational style, which comes in those leaders who fore see future opportunities and develop meaningful visions by experimentation. And those who are more concerned with cu stomers and are more customer oriented is a specialty of supportive style leaders. They are involved as much as possible and in their view change is low by listening to each and everything what others have to say. Now radical change is done through five main stages which are planning, enabling, launching, catalyzing and maintaining. The way leaders handle work are categorized by these five stages some can be good at planning or initiating while other can be useful at monitoring and marinating. Now leaders who are versatile are known as strategic leaders. They know how to plan and organize things at the work place they know how to handle customers and stretch their employees imagination for developing and implementation of strategies. so leadership qualities are very important is change management . The five stages of a process, which are mentioned above, are very important and the leader has to adopt and cope with the change. Now in this article (Stephen Warrilow, 2010) stated that change management support those strategies which are people centric rather than totally process oriented and such strategies are successful which are based on this theory. This article is based on a research project which was held at Hawthorne Plant of western electric company in the US, now the project was not to examine the motivation styles or to see how leadership effects the whole process but they wanted to know that how environment plays an important role i.e. to check the environmental and physical influence of the workplace. The studies which came as a result they called it as the The Hawthorne Effect which basically means that psychological factors plays important role in the motivation and the improvement of the work quality of the employees and the Hawthorne effect also states that people would work better when they are allowed to socially interact witch each other and a supportive attention is given to them accordin g to them workplace is a social network where people come and interact with each other. There were three further conclusions which experts analyze from this effect which are as follow Social factors influence individuals production more rather than the individuals aptitude. There is a group life among the workers i.e. there is a group life and how the works tend to develop their relation with their superiors tend to direct the work and will carry out orders in the same manner. Work group norms affect the productivity So basically the leadership styles effect the productivity for instance better supportive attentions should be given to the employees. By applying some principles managing organizational change will be more successful. Now change management requires thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation but above all the main characteristics, which affects are consultation with and involvement of the people which are affected by the change. These factors are vital for any leader because they need to consult before they making any decision and involvement of other people are very important because if you are working in a team then it is very important that you take the whole team along with you individualism sometimes costs heavy. There is a difference is culture as there are some cultures that still promote individualism but most of the nations have understood the power of teamwork and they heavily reply on it. Now the managers should be encouraged to communicate face to face with their people too if they are helping one manage an organizational change. Email and written notes and extremely weak at conveying and developin g understanding. For organizational change that entails new actions, objectives and processes for a group or team of people, use workshop to achieve understanding, involvement, plans, measurable aims, actions and commitments now another main and important way of doing things in an organization is to encourage your management team to use workshops with their people too if they are helping you to manage the change. The leader should understand that people should be involved at all times, they should understand where the organization is at the moment, understand the future goals that where wants to be and the most important is to communicate, involve, enable and facilitate involvement from people, as early and openly and as fully as in possible. There are eight steps which are stated as John P Kotter eight step change model can be summarized as increased urgency, build the right guiding team, get the vision right, communicate for buy in, enpower action, create short term win which mean s that the goals should be set which are easy to reach and it is dont let up and lastly make change stick. Organizational culture and leadership and inter related experts have two approaches to the study of the cultural aspect in organization: cultural as an organizational variable an, then culture something which can be manipulated. So the leader himself can control the nature, direction and the impact of such manipulations. Now if culture can be seen as an integral part of an organization then everything is affected by the culture. In (Schein, 1992) observed that organizational culture and leadership and inter related and this relation can be seen by considering the organizational life cycle. So during the process of organization formation the founder of the company creates an organization, which reflects their values and beliefs. (Bass, 1985) demonstrated the relationship between leadership and organizational culture by examining different styles of leadership on culture. According to him there are two kinds of leaders one are transactional leaders which perform their duties and work w ithin the culture of the organization and second are the transformational leaders who frequently work towards changing the organizational culture in line with their vision. Findings show that the style of the leader effects performance, certain types of culture are linked to superior performance and culture and leadership are related, behavior and styles also play an important role in the leadership and the change management as the decisions are based on the leaders for that they have to diagnose the problem first then act according to it then understanding of the situational factors are very important because if the leader dont know where he wants to be and where he wants to take the organization then he will fail as a leader and organization will collapse as a whole. Good leadership is critical to a successful organization. Success comes from aiming high with the clear visions and communication that good leadership brings. The importance the executive attaches to leadership and development of leadership capacity is reflected in the leadership agenda set out in Ambitious, Excellent organization. The behaviors of leaders within organizations have been found to account for some of the organizations overall performance. The characteristics of a successful leader and ways of achieving Exemplary leadership. Challenge the process by looking for new ways of doing things. Inspire a shared vision by looking into the future and communicating the organizations goals to the rest of the group. Enable others to act by listening and encouraging others to participate. Model the way by first knowing the philosophy, goals and plan of the organization. Encourage others to grow by acknowledging and rewarding their accomplishments. Although present day leaders may think in terms of empowerment and team building, the fundamentals of leadership are integrating followers and helping them achieve the organizations common goal. In order for the organization to grow, there needs to be change. There are two things that need to happen in order for change to occur. First, many leaders need to be working together. Secondly, leaders need to break down or abandon the familiar way of doing things. Although this is often seen as the disruptive side of leadership, this process challenges others to go beyond their limits and bring to the organization new and innovative way of doing things. So we can conclude that leadership styles do tend to influence the performance of the organization and they way they tend to take those decisions effect the whole of the organization. This article reports a longitudinal study that examined mergers between three large Multi-site public-sector organizations. Facts are provided and used to examine the effect of leadership and change management strategies on acceptance of cultural change by individuals. In this article basically the great man theory of leadership is discussed according to which situation also plays a vital role in determining the leaders effectiveness to that and how different types of leader act in different situations. Theories of transformational leadership and organizational change emphasize that change is accomplished through the leaders implementation of a unique vision of the organization through powerful persuasive personal characteristics and actions designed to change internal organizational cultural forms This study attempts to identify the impact of three different leadership styles on the learning climate generated in the organization. The leadership styles studied are: benevolent or paternalistic style, critical style and developmental style. The impact variables studies include the extent to which they produce loyalty and dependence, resentment and counter dependence and learning, job satisfaction and morale. The study indicated that while benevolent style creates dependence and resentment, critical style creates resentment and it is developmental style that tends to creates learning and job satisfaction This article will present a conceptual framework of the various elements of organizational change in order to obtain a better understanding of the management of organizations. As such, the purpose of this article is to present an overview of strategic organizational change (SOC) and its managerial impact upon leadership, learning, motivation and productivity. Successful organizations show more positive than negative attributes. Successful organizations tend to focus on customers and their needs. They invest in ways to improve sales and provide superior service to clients, and they do not forget that their customers and their customers needs underlie their organizations existence.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

B2B v. B2C Supply Chains Essay example -- Compare Contrast Business Co

B2B v. B2C Supply Chains Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the age of technology business has come a long way and evolved tremendously. It used to be that brick and mortar was the only way to open and run a business. However, the internet has changed all of that now businesses can use technology to reach customers and other businesses all over the world. This has caused a great surge in the world wide economy. In 2003 Business to Business (B2B) commerce tipped the scales at $1.41 Trillion. This is in comparison to Business to Consumer (B2C) that was $90.1 Billion (Naraine, R.2003). All of these purchases need to get transported and that is where businesses supply chains come in play. Contrary to popular belief the supply chains of B2B and B2C are not the same both have unique qualities. This paper will define the term supply chain. Then it will define the terms B2B and B2C. Finally, it will explain how the supply chain differs on a B2C site compared to a B2B site and provide examples. Supply Chain   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to a supply chain is the series of channels a product takes from its initial production to reach it’s finally destination (Learn That, 2004). A typical example of this chain of events that occurs in everyday life would be when a guest walks into a Target Store and purchases a X Box Game. The supply chain begins with the guest and the need for the game. Then it continues to the brick and mortar store. This Target store receives its product from the Target Distribution Center. The Target Distribution center receives the product from the manufacturer. Finally, the manufacturer receives the raw products from several other suppliers. This basic supply chain is liquid and continuously goes back and forth. B2B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When people hear B2B or business to business they might recall the classic image of an old style ice salesman traveling from business to business delivering ice in order for them to keep their merchandise cold. Fast forward 60 years and now B2B eCommerce occurs when companies are buying from and selling to one and other online. B2B eCommerce has evolved past just basic purchasing. It now encompasses supply chain management as more organizations continue to outsource parts of their supply chain to their trading partners (Varon, E., 2001). B2C   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B2C is pretty straight forward with the title business to consumer, it conjur... ... scale b2b versus the smaller and ever longer b2c. These both are still extremely successful in creating a more global economy and with improvements should provide continuing success. References Naraine,R., 2003, B2C Goes From Rags to Riches, retrieved from the World Wide Web on: Global Market, 2004, B2B Market Trends, retrieved from the World Wide Web on: Learn That, 2004, Definition of Supply Chain, retrieved from the World Wide Web on: Varon, E., August 2001, The ABCs of B2B, retrieved from the World Wide Web on: Patton,S., August, 2001, The ABC’s of B2C, retrieved from the World Wide Web on: Marketing Profs, 2005, What differentiates B2C supply chain from B2B? retrieved from the World Wide Web on: CIO Decisions, 2005, Executive Guide B2B Integration, retrieved from the World Wide Web on:,295582,sid19_gci1067719,00.html?bucket=REF

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Brian Friels Translations Essay -- Brian Friel Translations Essays

Brian Friel's "Translations" 'Translations' by Brian Friel can be appreciated and understood without knowledge of Irelands social, political and linguistic history. It can be enjoyed simply as a drama that incorporates comedy, tragedy and romance. However, with a greater understanding of Irelands history, such as the effect the 'great famine' had on the ordinary people of Ireland the play * In 'Translations' the people of Baile Beag show hostility towards the English army who have been sent to anglicise the place names of the area. For hundreds of years the English had made incursions in to Ireland. Many rebellions followed the conquest of Ireland, after which Queen Mary Tudor became the Queen of England and Ireland and the people of Ireland came under the control of the British government. There were attempts in the C16 to settle English colonies in Lenster and Munster but these were unsuccessful. In the C17 land was taken from Irish Earls and divided between Scottish Presbyterians. Rebellion followed in the reign of Charles 1 and this took the form of Catholic...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Teaching Numeracy to Adults with Learning Disabilities Essay -- Teachi

Introduction As an employee of County Community College, I teach an Adult Basic Skills Numeracy class. I originally started the academic year with 18 learners, but by April 2015 I had approximately 6 learners per session. Most learners are female, of Afro-Caribbean or African origin and aged between 20 and 50 years. It has been suggested that many learners see numeracy as a male domain (Cemen, 1987; Gutbezahl, 1995; Levine, 1995; Miller et al, 1994) and I have noticed that I teach predominantly female learners who are particularly shy and have low self esteem. They are also full of self doubt and lack confidence in their mathematical ability and some do not see numeracy as a useful subject when compared to literacy. To some it is just a means to an end and not something to learn for the sake of self-improvement. Most learners are not in full time employment when they start the course, but as the course proceeds, approximately half of all learners will leave to take a job. The main motivation of learners is to achieve a numeracy qualification and couple this with a literacy qualification and use this as route for entry into the Access to Higher Education programs offered either by County Community College or neighboring colleges. Most of the learners can see the benefit of gaining qualifications as a way of improving their lifestyles by allowing them to have more employment options. The majority of learners have school age children and it has been noted that a lot of the learners want to make a good example for their children in regards to education and employment. I have chosen two learners to use for a case study of learning difficulties experienced by adult numeracy learners. The learning difficulties that are ... ...on to the special section. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (June): 163 Physical Relaxation Technique: Deep Breathing, PMR and the Relaxation Technique [accessed July 2007] Coping with Math Anxiety [accessed July 2007] Math fears subtract from memory, learning [accessed July 2007] Trujillo, K. M., Tracing the Roots of Mathematics Anxiety through In-Depth Interviews with Preservice Elementary Teachers [accessed July 2007] Bibliography Cofield, F. et al. 2004. Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning: A systematic and critical review. Learning and Skills Research Centre, London.

Voter Apathy American Govermnet

Amer. Gov. Voter Apathy 1. What are some possible causes of voter apathy? Voter apathy is a growing problem in the United States. It’s when people who are eligible to vote choose not to. There are many causes of voter apathy and I believe not all of the reasons are done intentionally by people. One reason is, not knowing enough about the candidates running for office. When you don’t know anything about who is actually running how are you expected to make an educated and sincere vote? I think the mind set of people is if they don’t know enough information then they are better off just not getting involved.Politics can become boring and mundane therefore citizens chose not to pay attention to what’s id going on in the campaigning process. All too often we hear the same old things out of these politicians so shutting them out and choosing not to learn more about that is an easy escape. Negative campaigning and advertisements are another cause of voter apathy. When all we see on TV are negative ads about each candidate or each party then our attitudes towards either side change. Nobody wants to be involved in something that has a negative effect or outcome.I think that the negative advertisement is the main problem. It’s the fastest way to communicate to a lot of people but unfortunately people don’t want to hear complaining, whining, put downs and derogatory comments. Warne 2 2. How might voters shed apathy and regain interest in elections and the electoral process? Shedding apathy can be achieved by better educating the youth on the impact of voting. I think if teens today actually understood the process of voting many would take action and participate. Its looked upon in California and also other places in the United states as â€Å"oh my vote doesn’t count. If we were taught about how important voting actually was and how every vote does count then more citizens would register. Another way to regain interest in the elections is instilling strong citizenship values in young voters. If you have good values as a citizen and respect the country you live in, you will know that it’s your duty to elect the people who actually run your country. Everyone should be taught if you don’t vote you don’t have the right to complain about who wins. Lastly, making registration and voting more convenient would help improve the numbers of citizens registering and voting.So many of us have busy lives with a lot going on and forget to take the time to pay attention and vote. If voting was made simpler and more convenient then many more would do it. I think mostly people who use the excuse that they couldn’t find the times to vote are just being lazy. If families, schools, and community leaders work together to help society and young Americans, then the United States of America will have more citizens involved in the political aspects of their communities. 3. How would you go about ex plaining the importance of voting and encouraging citizens to participate in the most democratic of all processes?The only way to explain that Voting is extremely important is by saying that without voting we wouldn’t get anywhere in the world. All decisions would be on a dictator basis. In American we have the greatest right that most countries do not possess. That is the right to vote. It’s a way of exercising your right as an adult human being in a free country to express your opinion on issues. Every vote counts. You have to understand that it is how we hire the people who run the country. It helps you decide your own future by electing a person who might reflect your own views so you can live happily and comfortably.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Business Com

Once I had gone to visit a friend in the next town which is along a major highway and stretched about km. He asked me to a light at the second bus stop In the town. When the bus I took got closer to the town, I Informed the bus conductor where I will alight. He gave a node amidst a loud music from the stereo In the bus. About an hour later, I called the conductor to find out If we had reached the second bus stop. He Immediately asked the driver to stop for me to alight after apologizing to me.He said e never heard the request I made earlier therefore we had passed the second bus stop about half an hour ago. I had to get down at that point and find away to my friend's house. Unfortunately the ‘second bus stop' my friend meant was at the eastern side of the town, which was close to my town. Unfortunately I entered the town through the western side since I was corning from a trip In the western part of the country. This was explain to me by a Taxi driver who drove me for additiona l 2 hours to the right â€Å"Second bus top† to meet my friend who had waited all day.Apart from the loud music from the stereo, the bus was overloaded therefore noise was in the car. After analyzing my experience there are some points I found which could be barrier for healthy communication and analysis of which are needed before coming up with ways to eliminate or minimize them. These barriers may be classified as follows – 1. Environmental Barriers – This is similar to physical noise, and could be in the form of disturbing sounds, an overcrowded bus, poor services and acoustics, all f which may hamper the ability to pay attention to and understand the message.When I made a request to alight, the conductor did not hear me because of the loud noise from the stereo and how congested the bus was. This barrier can be eliminated by bringing down the volume of the stereo in the bus to the tolerable level to facilitate healthy communication between conductor, driver and passengers. Secondly overloading can be avoided in buses to prevent distraction and create a serene atmosphere where one can freely commune with one another. 2.Individual Barriers – A major barrier to interpersonal communication is a tendency to judge, evaluates, approve or disapprove of the views of another person. This happens particularly in situations where we have strong feelings about something. In such cases, we tend to block out the communication and form our own viewpoints. When I Inform my friend about visiting him, he Immediately assumed I will be coming through the eastern entrance of the town. Secondly when the conductor nodded I concluded It was a sign of having had my request to alight.This barrier can be eliminated If we can take objective Instead of subjective stand when communicating with people. We can do this by asking few additional or open-end questions and allow people to express themselves and also listen to them rather than Interrupt their speech or complete sentences for them for example. Feedback can also help to confirm If those we are communicating with actually got our Intended meanings attached to the message. Business Com By bendy Q. L Describe Any Situation In Your Experience Where The Communication Went Wrong.Analyze The Situation By Pointing Out The Type Of Barrier To Communication stretched about km. He asked me to a light at the second bus stop in the town. When the bus I took got closer to the town, I informed the bus conductor where I will alight. He gave a node amidst a loud music from the stereo in the bus. About an hour later, I called the conductor to find out if we had reached the second bus stop. He immediately asked the driver to stop for me to alight after apologizing to me. He said friend's house.Unfortunately the ‘second bus stop' my friend meant was at the own through the western side since I was coming from a trip in the western part of Barriers – A major barrier to interpersonal commun ication is a tendency to Judge, inform my friend about visiting him, he immediately assumed I will be coming concluded it was a sign of having had my request to alight. This barrier can be eliminated if we can take objective instead of subjective stand when communicating allow people to express themselves and also listen to them rather than interrupt confirm if those we are communicating with actually got our intended meanings

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

Hardness Questions: The Power of Myth Chapters 1-3 1. Myth reveals spiritual truth about the world. Why read myths? You need myths to find your truth. You have elaborate myths to compare to everyday experiences and to other myths. â€Å"Myths give a meaning to life (Campbell, 5). Mythology is a collection of stories based on one's knowledge and stories of experience. Myths are clues to life meaning. They are clues to â€Å"spiritual potentialities† or your potential to develop spiritually and finding your inner self.For example, marriage creates a transformation In us spiritually because It transforms our perspective of ourselves and our ability to sacrifice. 2. Do people ultimately seek knowledge or experience? In your opinion which is more Important In the 21st century? People ultimately seek experience. They believe seeking experience is their true meaning of life. They want something to remember and something to live for and at the same time we do this to resonate from ou r Inner self because from experience we gain knowledge.This could be a reason many of the 21st century go towards their quest for experience and not knowledge. . What is Campbell definition of â€Å"consciousness†? How does this consciousness define the role of mythology In our world? Campbell says that consciousness is something that the mind uses to guide you to a certain direction or towards a set of purposes. Consciousness is all your thoughts at a deeper level and your awareness or perception of your surroundings. Your consciousness depends on your level of energy that leads us to higher level consciousness. What leads you to these levels of consciousness?Myth. Mythology transforms your consciousness on a deeper level and to a higher spiritual level. You can not develop your consciousness without mythology 4. How does the modern Western world relate to myths? The modern world developments are myths. The example of machines is a prime relation (Campbell, 24) but they tend to take over our idea of what's true. The modern world has rejecting myths and everything about them including the fact that nature surrounds the whole concept. Modern world has a mindset that everything Is about you, which rejects mythology spiritual messages. How do we live without myths and why does Campbell claim that America is moving too quickly to become mythologies? Are these two concepts related? When you live without myths you have to figure out life by yourself. That is why America is moving too quickly to be mythologies. As Campbell would say we are focused on â€Å"news of the day' and â€Å"problems of the hour† (Campbell, 1). We lose connection to the meaning to culture and the knowledge of life. These concepts are related because it explains America's slow self-destruction without myths. Chapter 2 1 .Why do myths reflect what we know inside is true? How do myths then help us with â€Å"the public dream? Myths reflect what inside is true because we all come from the same place we go through similar life experiences. We all grow and develop. Myth also comes from our dreams. Campbell describes dream by saying, â€Å"†¦.. A dream that talks about permanent conditions within your own psyche as they relate to the temporal conditions of your life right now. † (Campbell, 47). Your dreams truly reflect your inner self and are Just spiritual information about yourself. Your dreams are myths, personal myths.The Public dream is society without its corrupt ways and its lack of mythological knowledge. Myth helps correct this because it is society dream and it unites society. That one place is having a dream and when you are on the correct path you are finding your reason and your inner self. . Why are the world's creation stories so similar? The world's creation stories are so similar because of the similar environment and the basic experiences of birth, growth, temptations, and death. This creates a sense of curiosity where we ask â₠¬Å"how? † and â€Å"why? † and some record their thoughts.These records reflect mythical reality. The same concept of nothing, paradise, and distance from the creator. Cultures like Christianity, Sari tribes of West Africa, and the Pimp Indians. 3. What is a metaphor and how does it operate in religion? How does metaphor assist one with the â€Å"Journey inward†? A metaphor is a comparison that suggests something else. In religion, Campbell says that the metaphors used are not literal. It was a metaphor and in his definition metaphors are not to be taken literally. Myths are written in a way to be discovered and unknown so it is able to awaken your inner self.It is deeper that what most people have been interpreting it as. People may believe that Campbell was undermining Christianity when he said Jesus never really ascended into heaven when in fact he was Just cracking the code. It was a metaphor. Society problem is that we don't use connotation to interpret meta phors and myths, but use denotation. . How do myths help us to connect to the spiritual world? Myths and religion share the same qualities. Myths help connect to the spiritual world. â€Å"The myth is for spiritual instruction† (Campbell, 59). Myths help us relate to other spiritual reticence.Campbell uses the example to reincarnation and now it ties into other concepts of religion also, â€Å"†¦. Dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included with the concept of yourself. † (Campbell,70). In religion, you come out a new person spiritually because of experience Just like in myth. 5. Why is good and evil promoted in mythology? Discuss the purpose of good and evil in your response. Good and evil are promoted in mythology because of duality and characteristics of life. Many have come to a closed, biased mindset that everything should be good and nothing should be evil.Some people's idea of evil could be another's idea of good. There is no true definition of â€Å"good† and what is â€Å"evil† because we all contribute to it when we live life. We do need evil without evil there is no duality. They must coincide with one another. Chapter 3 1 . What do our souls owe to ancient myths? Myths from ancient times help with transcendence and understanding our fears and yeastier of life. It complements the mind and body on a track controlled by nature because we tend to become astray as we venture through life. Ancient times have the same human development as today.We grow up being taught certain things and how to be dependent then as we grow older we have to transcend into maturity and learn to become independent. Campbell says, â€Å"†¦. Myth has to serve both aims, that of inducting a young person into the life of his world-that's the function of the folk idea- then disengaging him. † (Campbell, 87). Myths open up ideas that lead up to your inner life. Ancient myths also give us rituals. This gives us a larger idea of life instead of what we see it as. It helps us understand the mysteries greater than us.How are men and women initiated into adulthood differently? Once initiated, is there room in modern society for negotiation of responsibility? Men are to be put into manhood automatically and must learn how to provide, seek, and act as society tells them to be. Man is formed by society. Women on the other hand give life, they are life. As Campbell says, â€Å"the girl becomes a woman with her first menstruation† (Campbell, 104). He says this to point out that woman is formed by nature. I think man has to work for their manhood while woman Just become a woman by control of nature.The woman gives and nurses without effort, while man has to work for his greater being. 2. How has religious instruction become â€Å"obsolete† to many people today? (focus on idea of ritual) Rituals help people grow and develop into appropriate individuals in socie ty. Today they have been ostracizes and are not followed correctly. As Campbell says it perfectly it is now â€Å"dumped down† and â€Å"lacks of substance† (Campbell, 104). Myths help us understand things that are more prominent than ourselves. We must enders an the overall picture bettor we truly understand ourselves.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Essay

A Canadian-American sociologist/writer named Erving Goffman, proposed the dramaturgical perspective or the theory of â€Å"dramaturgy† in his book: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, in order to explain the behavior of people. The book catered the interest of many readers as it was published initially in 1956. Not only mentioning the successful integration of the dramaturgical approach as a major contribution in Sociology, Goffman, was also criticized for the detraction of such authentic-written style of research he used as compared to the conventional researches that was used by many researchers and proponents of some theories. Goffman, as a competent and keen observant, combined different theories related to support and create his new theory of dramaturgy (Sannicolas, 1997). Moreover, the focus of this paper then, is to discuss the relevance of dramaturgy in everyday scenario of a man’s real life. Body Dramaturgy is a term popularized by sociologist, Erving Goffman, pertaining to the study of mechanisms of man’s social interactions by means of communication and â€Å"face-to face† encounters. Dramaturgy emphasizes the creation or projection of â€Å"roles† attempting to be congruent and accepted in the norms of society where a particular man or â€Å"actor† belongs in order to avoid ostracism and harmful discrimination of the majority group at their backs (an example of backstage behavior). It also functions for man to rehearse and practice one’s ideal goals for the purpose of portraying those roles into the â€Å"stage† or real world (frontstage behavior), and to be viewed by perceived viewers or onlookers (audience). The dramaturgy or dramaturgical perspective can be best understood by showing an example in some personal and professional situations. For instance, in a particular scenario, a play, an act or a drama occurs; perhaps, a person encountering an acquaintance or friend, may be â€Å"forced† in the situation to greet the person coming nearby and may therefore reveal a phony or a fake smile in order for the other person not to think negatively about the person who is expected to greet. The second person on the other hand, would and might as well return the greetings back because of the perceived â€Å"rightness† of the act as implied by the social norms and equity rules. Moreover, these two different persons may perform and engage in a talk and communicate through non-verbal gestures and of course, verbal language; these persons then, may use or show a facial mask or a facade we call in psychology, the â€Å"persona†. In a professional situation however, a good example may be the HR interviewer and the applicant (interviewee): both would have to perform their assigned and implied roles as for the HR interviewer, has to appear intimidating, serious, and straightforward with less smiles, and for the applicant’s part, one has to act as the confident but not so arrogant and aggressive projected image to impress the interviewer and has to act that one knows what one is doing and the position applying for (Sannicolas, 1997). Conclusion Further, it is concluded that the theory of dramaturgy explains the tendency of people to project rehearsed roles for the purpose of perfecting their interpersonal social skills. Sincere or not, obsequious or assertive, man’s mechanism is explained as such dominated by those internal ideal roles that is projected and performed outwards by persons in social situations (Sannicolas, 1997). References Sannicolas, N. (1997). Erving Goffman, dramaturgy, and on-line relationships. Retrieved October 31, 2008, from, http://www. dinicola. it/sit/Cybersoc%20Issue%201%20-%20Erving%20Goffman,Dramaturgy,and%20On-Line%20Relationships. htm

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion on NSA Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion on NSA Security - Essay Example According to Hypponen, basically, each international internet user is under US surveillance. Hypponen is worried about our future communication and data which he fears will be stored in the US data center in Utah; the world’s largest. Hypponen laments how the US government is infringing on individual privacy and making everything insecure by infiltrating standardization bodies to purposely sabotage encryption algorithms. The NSA by use of PRISM which is a particular NSA database and an aspect of the entire NSA surveillance endeavor, details collection program for data collection from various service providers. Thus clearly, the world is no longer a safe place to communicate freely and the US has completely infiltrated people’s privacy under the guise of fighting terrorism. Although the US is legally obligated to monitor foreigners as well as foreigners’ data connections when they end up or pass through United States, you realize that 96% of people in the planet are foreigners. This means that almost virtually everybody is being watched by the US. This i s not only morally wrong, but also rude and should make everybody angry. Hypponen proposes that the world unite together through either political pressure or by seeking alternative services, so as to build together open, free as well as secure

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Relevance of Attachment Theory and Mother-Infant Bonding to the Essay

The Relevance of Attachment Theory and Mother-Infant Bonding to the Practice of Music Therapy - Essay Example The Attachment Theory The attachment theory was postulated by a British psychiatrist named John Bowlby and it was further elaborated on by his colleague who an American developmental psychologist is named Mary Ainsworth (Sigelman & Rider, 2009, p. 406). â€Å"The theory was grounded primarily on ethological theory and therefore asked how attachment might have evolved† (Sigelman & Rider, 2009). This theory also derived some of its concepts from psychoanalytic theory as stressed by Sigelman and Rider (2009). â€Å"According to Bowlby , an attachment is a strong affection tie that binds a person to an intimate companion; moreover, it is also a behavioural system through which humans regulate their emotional distress when under threat and achieve a sense of security by seeking proximity to another person† (Sigelman & Rider, 2009, p. 407). In addition, Bowlby argued that just as infants are programmed to respond to their caregivers, adults are biologically programmed to resp ond to an infant's signals; accordingly, it is rather daunting for an adult to ignore a baby's cry or fail to warm to a baby's grin (Sigelman & Rider, 2009). ... motional adversity in childhood; in both cases Bowlby supposed that the children went on to develop a range of behavioural, emotional and mental health problems (Oldfield et al., 2008). Central to the thinking of attachment theory is that a child has to believe that an attachment figure is present both psychologically as well as physically; Bowlby discovered that an attachment figure who was physically present and yet emotionally absent could arose similar feelings of anxiety and distress as an attachment figure who physically absent (Oldfield et al., 2008). Significantly, for children to thrive they need a close, continuous care-giving relationship: an attachment figure who is available and responsive to their needs as stressed by Oldfield et al. (2008). In relation to the attachment theory, music therapy, for example, has been a known measure in helping adopted children to deal with their tragic experiences in the past that may have been liable for their present behaviour. â€Å"M usic therapy, being an important non-verbal medium, allows children to go back to the early moments in their life and to process their daunting experiences† (Oldfield et al., 2008). In addition, the non-verbal nature of music therapy enables adoptive parents to respond to their adopted child in a new way, persuading the child to value their new family; working in this way enables a child to become more securely attached as they develop trust and security in their adoptive parents (Oldfield et al., 2008). In lieu of this process, the music therapist functions as the facilitator in building healthy relationships within the family (Oldfield et al., 2008). The Strange Situation Mary Ainsworth is a significant figure in the attachment theory of Bowlby for the reason that she studied attachment